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Acute Nursing (5 cr)

Code: SX00BN35-3102

General information


02.12.2019 - 15.12.2019


20.04.2020 - 30.09.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Tiina Varamäki
  • Kirsti Hämäläinen

Teacher in charge

Kirsti Hämäläinen


  • SXN19S1
    Degree Programme in Nursing päivä


- can plan, implement and evaluate the client-oriented nursing of patients requiring surgical care
- can plan, implement and evaluate patient’s anaesthetic and surgical nursing in a client-oriented way
- can evaluate acutely ill patient’s needs for care and meet them with assistive methods of nursing both independently and as members of multiprofessional groups
- understand the duties and responsibilities related to acute and urgent situations and the competence requirements for nurses
- can support patients requiring urgent care and their significant others.


Client-oriented nursing process in surgical and perioperative nursing
Care path of patients requiring surgical and perioperative care
Observation, procedures and assistive nursing methods of patients requiring urgent care
Supporting the resources and decision-making of surgical and perioperative patients throughout the different phases of the illness and care
Anaesthesiology and surgery


Brunner-Suddarths Medical-Surgical Nursing Textbook, 2010 12th Edition or newer, pages given at orientation
Ahonen O, Blek-Vehkaluoto M, Ekola S, Partamies S, Sulosaari V, Uski-Tallqvist T. 2019. 8. uudistettu painos. Kliininen hoitotyö, sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito. SanomaPro Oy. (Reading areas please look in finnish text).
Perioperative nursing, english book used given at orientation
Karma, A., Kinnunen, T., Palovaara M., Perttunen J. 2016. Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. 1. painos, 2016. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Materials provided by teacher
Aikuispotilaan kirurgisen toimenpiteen jälkeisen lyhytkestoisen kivun hoitotyö. Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiö. Hoito suositus. Verkko-osoitteessa
Possible related NICE recommendations given during the course

Teaching methods

Activating lectures, laboratory skills, problem-based learning, guided assignments, co-operative learning, drug calculation exam and theory exam

Employer connections

Clinical practice Autumn 2020

Exam schedules

Theory exam (2x45 min, grading 1-5, failed) and drug calculations times in course schedule.
Re-exam times will be informed in orientation.

International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

5 cr= 135 hrs student work

Further information

Acute nursing course includes surgical and perioperative nursing theory and clinical laboratory skills, surgery and anesthesiology, incl. theory exams and drug calculations. All parts need to be passed. Theory lessons include active participation in face to face learning. Clinical laboratory lessons are 100% obligatory and require appropriate clinical clothing. During clinical laboratory lessons the students must work according to aseptic principles. Performances in laboratory workshops need to fulfill principles of patient safety.
Previous studies required:
Clinical nursing: theory and laboratory skills, exam grade not required if all two re-exams havent been organized as yet
Anatomy and physiology passed.
Pharmacotherapy 1 passed, drug calculations and laboratory skills done.
Pharmacotherapy 2 labs 1-2 done and related theory, fluid balance related theory studied.
Clinical nursing skills: workshop weeks 1 and 2 studied (clinical nursing and health care safety)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Evaluating competences evaluation criteria novice/beginner is used.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- osaa etsiä tietoa yksittäiseen tilanteeseen
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä alan tietoperustaan
- erottaa arkitiedon tutkitusta tiedosta
- osaa toimia yksittäisissä ammatillisissa tilanteissa ohjeistuksen mukaisesti
- pyrkii toimimaan asiakaslähtöisesti
- osoittaa saavuttaneensa riittävät tiedot pystyäkseen toimimaan ammatillisissa tilanteissa
- osoittaa perehtyneisyyden ammattialan eettisiin periaatteisiin
- osaa toimia työryhmän jäsenenä
- kykenee arvioimaan omia vahvuuksiaan ja kehittymistarpeitaan

Assessment methods and criteria

Mandatory attendance to course orientation. Theory exam 0-5. Surgery as Moodle exam and anesthesiology as learning task and applied questions of both in theory exam. Drug calculations test in Orientation. Surgical and perioperative drug calculations can be practised in Moodle area called Lääkelaskut (no key). Theory lessons require active participation.
Mandatory attendance for the clinical laboratory teaching (100%) and cannot be replaced by any other tasks. Also participation in lab skills requires prior learning of theory during the lessons.
Continuous assessment. Theory exams passed. Drug calculations 100% passed. Active participation in all compulsory laboratory workshops.