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Development of acute care (5 cr)

Code: S000DT43-3001

General information


02.05.2019 - 15.09.2019


14.11.2019 - 31.07.2020

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


  • Tiina Varamäki
  • Tiia Saastamoinen

Teacher in charge

Tiia Saastamoinen


  • S2219S6
    Akuuttihoitotyön kehittämisen ja johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma


The student reforms and develops acute care in accordance with professional ethics and the principles of patient safety of the field. As an expert of acute care, the student can lead multiprofessional development and project teams at national and international level. The student adopts a goal-oriented approach to self-reflection and the development of the workplace. She/he identifies the development targets of acute care and bears responsibility for the development of the quality of care. The student adopts the principles of evidence-based nursing as a foundation for his/her practices.


- Evidence-based practices in acute care
- Ensuring the quality of acute care by means of various measurements
- Research and development-minded approach to the development of acute care practices
- Development of activities in cooperation with various actors
- Multiprofessional networks and participating in the work of national and international acute care networks

Location and time

Opintojaksoon orientoituminen alkaa syksyllä 2019 ja jatkuu keväälle 2020


Oppiportin verkkokurssi "Tutkimustieto käyttöön"
THL: Tutkimuskysymyksestä hakustrategiaksi;
Kankkunen & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, 2017. Tutkimus hoitotieteessä. SanomaPro.
HOTUS: Näyttöön perustuva toiminta;

Teaching methods

PICO-kysymys tekniikka ja käyttö Akuuttihoitotyön kehittämisessä (yksilötehtävä), jonka pohjalta työstetään digitaalinen posteri englanniksi (yksilötehtävä) ja kirjallinen tehtävä.
Osallistuminen KV-konferenssiin tai KV-opintokäyntiin ulkomaiseen akuuttihoidon yksikköön. Konferenssin aihealueen esittely syksyllä 2020 olevalla opintojaksolla syventävän vaiheen sh-opiskelijoille.
Asiantuntijaluennot: hoitotyö sensitiiviset laatuindikaattorit, varautuminen akuuttihoidossa ja debriefing.

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections

Osallistuminen KV-konferenssiin tai KV-vierailuun

Completion alternatives

Mikäli opiskelija ei osallistu KV-konferenssiin tai muulle vastaavalle KV-opintomatkalle hän suorittaa tämän osuuden kirjallisena opintojaksolla annettavien ohjeiden mukaisesti

Student workload

5 op= 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä

Content scheduling

Opintojakso toteutuu Syksy 2019-Kevät 2020

Further information

Posterin ja KV-konferenssin annin esittely toteutuu syksyllä 2020 opintojaksolla "Akuuttihoitotyön laaja-alainen asiantuntijuus"

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit, but there are deficiencies in his/her individual ability to find and interpret information and to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the unit. She/he is able to find information actively and interpret it in relation to the work environment. The student is able to analyze the learned content and apply it to the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates great and wide-ranging competence in the content of the unit. She/he displays outstanding competence in finding relevant information. The student’s decision-making skills demonstrate independence, responsibility and the ability to guide others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of the workplace is creative and comprehensive.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit (in reference to the assessment criteria). However, independent search for information, interpretation and the ability to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace prove inadequate.

Assessment methods and criteria

Kehittymistyön pohjalta laadittu kirjallinen tehtävä ja posteri arvioidaan 0-5 asteikolla

Further information

Recognition of prior learning
The study unit may be accredited based on previously acquired competence if the student has completed similar studies and/or the student has a long experience of a demanding managerial role equalling the same level of experience. Documented proof is required of the previously acquired competence.