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Strategic Management of RehabilitationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SX00FS44


5 op


Objectives: the student can
- assess the importance of strategic management as part of providing and receiving rehabilitation
- apply strategic management in the context of organisations, work communities and rehabilitant’s communities in a systemic and future-oriented way
- evaluate the strategic development of the rehabilitation work community and participate in the process of developing and implementing strategic activities
- reform management practices in a sustainable and ethical way in the changing world of work and rehabilitation.


- The importance, promotion and impact of strategic leadership in rehabilitation
- Key concepts and theories of strategy and strategic management, its development stages and analyses in rehabilitation settings
- Using knowledge in management as part of a sustainable and ethical strategic process development in rehabilitation
- Foresight as part of strategic management in the rehabilitation sector

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Expertise in client understanding
The rehabilitant’s voice is heard. Activities are guided by general ethical values. Activities are delivered by combining complex matters in a single-faceted manner.

Expertise in change
Common objectives are agreed upon and activities are conducted side by side. Good current practices are analysed and applied. Current networks are being used. Change is assessed in an observative manner. An encouraging atmosphere is created.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Expertise in client understanding
Participation of the rehabilitant is enabled. Encounters are ethical in nature. Activities are delivered together with the rehabilitant on various interfaces in a multi-faceted manner.
Expertise in change
Objectives are determined together, and they guide joint activities. Change processes renewing current practices are implemented in a controlled manner. Action takes place on the interfaces of networks. Assessment is conducted to guide operational prerequisites, processes, and results. An open and reliable atmosphere is created.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Expertise in client understanding
Rehabilitants are understood as active agents and partners in development. Their needs guide the joint development. Common value basis is defined in relation to activities. Professionals, the rehabilitant, and their loved ones together build meaningful activities to strengthen the well-being and functional capacity of the rehabilitant.

Expertise in change
Objectives are determined in a joint process and activities are based on partnership and shared understanding. The future is anticipated, and new elements are created. Networks are being renewed to cross interface boundaries. Assessment is conducted with an approach combining anticipation and development. A creative and innovative atmosphere is constructed.