Nursing (in Finnish)
- Degree
- Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care
- Degree title
- Registered Nurse
- Credits
- 210 ects
Specific admission requirements
No specific admission requirements. General admission requirements are applied.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Metropolia's guidelines are followed. Additionally, the guidelines regulating recognition of prior learning designed for the common courses for all students in the faculty are followed.
Qualification requirements and regulations
Qualification requirements and regulations are defined in the degree regulations on Metropolia ( >>
Profile of the programme
Registered Nurse: Acute care. See the general description of the programme:
Key learning outcomes
Key learning outcomes are specified in the programme study plan.
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
Nurses work in various expert positions of nursing and in demanding operating environments requiring basic and special competence in national and international environments.
Access to further studies
Access to Master’s Degree studies at a university of applied sciences or a university. Access to continuing education.
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Course assessment criteria are specified in the course implementation plan. The teacher in charge of the course will be responsible for the assessment. Students will be informed at the beginning of the course on the assessment principles, which must be based on the course objectives.
Graduation requirements
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses.
The student has gained such oral and written skills in the obligatory language required by the degree programme that are necessary for practising the profession and for further professional development (Decree 352/2003, 8 §). The student has acquired the oral and written language skills in Swedish required of state officials functioning in a position requiring a higher education in a bilingual office according to the Act (424/2003, 6 §) with a grade of satisfactory /good on the scale of good/satisfactory applied in public administration. The student has received school education in the Finnish language, completed the maturity test included in the final project in the Finnish language.
Registered Nurse:
The degree fulfils the criteria laid down in the Act (559/1994 and 1200/2007) and the Decree (564/1994) on Health Care Professionals and in the Council Directives 89/594/EEC, 89/595/EEC, in the European Parliament and the Council Directives 2013/55/EC and 2001/19/EC.
The degree falls under the Article 11 of the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications, level d.
90 ECTS credits of practical training are included in the curriculum.
Mode of study
Registered Nurse:
Full-time studies 210 ECTS: full-time, mainly contact teaching.
Part-time studies 210 ECTS: part-time contact teaching.
Programme director
Head of department
Päivi Haarala
mobile +358 40 334 0923
paivi.haarala (at)
Head of the programme
Tiia Saastamoinen
mobile +358 40 839 5798
tiia.saastamoinen (at)
Level of qualification
Bachelor's Degree (First Cycle)
Workplacement(s) and Work-based Learning
Clinical practices according the curriculum in co-operation with different health care institutions.
Obligatory or Optional Mobility
According the student´s individual study plan.
Timing plans:
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