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Master´s Degree in Rehabilitation: Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation

Code: S0824S6

Master of Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Health Care (Prosthetics/Orthotics)
Master of Health Care (Physiotherapy)
Master of Health Care (Elderly Care)
Master of Health Care (Podiatry)
Master of Health Care (Midwifery)
Master of Health Care (Optometry)
Master of Health Care (Public Health Nursing)
Master of Health Care (Occupational Therapy)
Master of Health Care (Nursing)
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care (Osteopathy)

90 ects

1.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2024


Työelämäosaamisen vahvistaminen
Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto on tarkoitettu työelämässä oleville korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneille osaamisen syventämiseksi ja laajentamiseksi (laki 932/2014 sekä asetus 1129/2014). Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tuottaa saman kelpoisuuden työtehtäviin kuin yliopistoissa suoritettu ylempi korkeakoulututkinto ja mahdollisuuden jatko-opintoihin. Kuntoutus (ylempi amk) tutkinto-ohjelma on tarkoitettu terveys- tai sosiaalialan ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon tai muun soveltuvan korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneille, joilla on vähintään kahden vuoden työkokemus asianomaiselta alalta.

Tutkintonimike määräytyy opiskelijan aikaisemman tutkinnon mukaan, johon liitetään määre YAMK. Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun kuntoutus (ylempi amk) tutkinto-ohjelmassa on mahdollisuus suorittaa seuraavat tutkinnot: apuvälineteknikko (YAMK), fysioterapeutti (YAMK), geronomi (YAMK), jalkaterapeutti (YAMK), kätilö (YAMK), optometristi (YAMK), osteopaatti (YAMK), sairaanhoitaja (YAMK), sosionomi (YAMK), terveydenhoitaja (YAMK), tai toimintaterapeutti (YAMK). Tutkinto vertautuu vastaaviin kansainvälisiin tutkintoihin.

Kuntoutus (ylempi amk) tutkinto-ohjelmasta valmistuvat osaavat toimia vaativissa kuntoutuksen kehittämis- ja johtamistehtävissä. Tämä edellyttää kykyä ennakoida, arvioida ja kartuttaa kuntoutusalan tietoa ja uudistaa käytäntöjä innovatiivisesti sekä kansallisesti että kansainvälisesti.


Osaamisperustainen opetussuunnitelma
Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtavaa koulutusta ohjaa ammattikorkeakoululainsäädännön mukainen koulutuksen perustehtävä ja tavoitteet, ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon osaamisen kuvaus Euroopan korkeakoulualueella (Euroopan neuvosto 2017) sekä tutkintojen ja muun osaamisen kansallinen viitekehys (Opetushallitus 2018). Näiden mukaan ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon suorittanut:

- Hallitsee pitkälle erikoistuneet, osittain työ- tai opintoalan huippuosaamista vastaavat tiedot, joita käytetään itsenäisen ajattelun ja/tai tutkimuksen perustana
– Ymmärtää alan ja eri alojen välisten rajapintojen tietoihin liittyviä kysymyksiä ja tarkastelee niitä kriittisesti
– omaa erikoistuneet ongelmanratkaisutaidot, joita vaaditaan tutkimus- ja/tai innovaatiotoiminnassa uusien tietojen ja menettelyjen kehittämiseen ja eri alojen tietojen yhdistämiseen
– Kykenee johtamaan ja muuttamaan monimutkaisia, ennakoimattomia ja uusia strategioita vaativia työ- tai opintoympäristöjä

– Kykenee ottamaan vastuun ammattialan tietojen ja käytäntöjen kartuttamisesta ja/tai ryhmien strategisen suorituksen arvioinnista

Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tuottaa opintojaksoihin sisältyen alan asiantuntijuuden syventymisen lisäksi yhteisiä kompetensseja (Ammattikorkeakoulujen rehtorineuvosto 2022), jotka ovat oppimaan oppiminen, työelämässä toimiminen, eettisyys, kestävä kehitys, kansainvälisyys ja monikulttuurisuus ja ennakoiva kehittäminen (taulukko 1).

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025
Rehabilitation Development Skills

(Choose all )

SX00FS37 Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS38 Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS39 Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces 5
SX00FS40 Research and Development in Rehabilitation 10
Management Skills in Rehabilitation

(Choose all )

SX00FS41 Expertise Management in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS42 Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being 5
SX00FS43 Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS44 Strategic Management of Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS45 Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work 5
SX00FS46 Managing the Development of Welfare Services 5
Master’s Thesis

(Choose all )

XX00FB87 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

Total 90 60 25 30 30 25 15 15 15 15 12.5 12.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

STRUCTURE Master (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ylempään ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) syventäviä ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) opinnäytetyö.

Master´s Thesis
Master’s Thesis
Advanced Professional Studies
Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

ARENE 2022::UAS shared competences::Master’s degree

Replaces the “Metropolia's Generic Competences::Master's Degree” -matrix. Heidi Rontu/31.8.2022


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to promote ethically sustainable activities and the realisation of ethical reflection in their different operating environments.
- Promotes the realisation of the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Makes decisions taking individual, communal and societal perspectives into account.
- Promotes the realisation of diversity and accessibility.
- Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.
- Is able to manage societally influential activities based on ethical values.

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.
- Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields.
- Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.
- Is able to develop new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future.
- Is able to analyse the current situation and anticipate the future of their field and changes in the operating environment.

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to anticipate the impacts and opportunities of global development and phenomena.
- Is able to interact, communicate and develop activities internationally in their own field.

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.
- Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.
- Is able to analyse and assess systemic dependencies of complex multidisciplinary problems and the different dimensions of solutions
- Is able to manage the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in their work

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.
- Is able to assess and develop their expertise diversely and in a goal-oriented manner at different stages of their career and life.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Is able to develop and manage goal oriented, continuous learning in their community.

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life. - Is able to develop and manage multidisciplinary teams and work communities.
- Is able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities.
- Is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community.
- Utilises the opportunities of technology and digitalisation in development and management.
- Promotes the resilience of a work community.

Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation
Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation
Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces
Research and Development in Rehabilitation
Expertise Management in Rehabilitation
Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being
Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation
Strategic Management of Rehabilitation
Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work
Managing the Development of Welfare Services
Master’s Thesis
Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Rehabilitation Development Skills

(Choose all)

SX00FS37 Changing Paradigms in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS38 Renewing Networks in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS39 Developing Rehabilitation on Interfaces 5
SX00FS40 Research and Development in Rehabilitation 10
Management Skills in Rehabilitation

(Choose all)

SX00FS41 Expertise Management in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS42 Interactive Leadership in Changing Work to Promote Well-being 5
SX00FS43 Managing Effectiveness in Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS44 Strategic Management of Rehabilitation 5
SX00FS45 Leadership Promoting Well-being at Work 5
SX00FS46 Managing the Development of Welfare Services 5
Master’s Thesis

(Choose all)

XX00FB87 Master’s Thesis 30
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 5)