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Health Care and Social Services and Finnish as a Second Language 2 (B1) (5 cr)

Code: XX00EA41-3008

General information


08.10.2024 - 06.11.2024


07.11.2024 - 20.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Higher Education Preparatory Program for Immigrants, Health Care and Social Services


  • Maarit Kärkkäinen
  • Leena Piironen
  • S2 Terveys

Teacher in charge

Nea Lehtimäki


  • MS11C24S
    Korkeakouluopintoihin valmentava koulutus maahanmuuttajille, sosiaali- ja terveysala


The students extend their knowledge of basic field-related concepts and deepen their professional know-how. The students explore the variation of professional language in different situations and know how to use professional Finnish in working life context both orally and in writing. The students comprehend different kinds of professional texts and can produce both short texts and oral presentations in professional context. Finnish language proficiency level: B1.1–B1.2 (CEFR).


The course introduces a Finnish health care and social services organization and its functions. The course gives the chance to learn various field-related client and patient cases. The studies also expand the knowledge of professional vocabulary and usage of Finnish in different kinds of situations of the field. The students also get to know typical forms of spoken Finnish and the language of social services and health care.

Location and time

Teaching dates:
On Thursday-evenings and on Friday (day time)


The material is provided by teachers and be found in Moodle.

Teaching methods

Virtual learning (via Zoom)
Mode of delivery face-to-face (at Myllypuro campus)
Interactive lecture
Cooperative learning,
Small group work
Guided assigments
Independent study

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Finnish language (grades 0-5)
Assingments pass/fail

International connections

The teaching is for the students whose Finnish is a second language and they want to apply to academic studies.

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Alltogether 5 cr= 135 students´working

Content scheduling

Finnish language (Tiia Ylhäine -Holstila)
Theories in Ethics, Ethical dilemmas, ethics in social and health services (Maatit Kärkkäinen)
Health promotion and rehabilitation in Finnish social- and health care (Leena Piironen)

Further information

Contact teacher

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Student has achieved the course objectives fairly. Student is able to identify and use the course subject area’s concepts and understands the conditions of knowledge and skills development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Student has achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement on some areas. Student is able to use well the course concepts and to apply his/her knowledge in study and work situations. Student is able to analyze his/her own knowledge and skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student has achieved the objectives of the course with excellent marks. Student masters commendably the course subject area’s concepts and is able to make justified and fluent analysis on course subject area. Students is well prepared to apply his/her knowledge and skills in study and work situations. Student is able to analyze the competencies of the study field and the development of his/her own knowledge and skills.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student has achieved the course objectives. Student is able to identify and use the course subject area’s concepts and to put to use his/her knowledge and skills.

Assessment methods and criteria

Finnish language grades 0-5
Finnish social- and health care, occupations pass/ fail
Health promotion and rehabilitation in Finnish social- and health care pass/fail